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EnoFood 4.0 – Higher technician expert in the agrifood sector – ITS Albatros

Location: Messina

Link to the course website:


The Higher technician, expert in the agrifood sector: enogastronomy, hospitality and territory is a professional endowed with specific competences in the agrifood sector, in particular in the promotion and valorisation of typical and quality products in a perspective of food identity, namely conceiving these products as the expression of the characteristics of the territory in terms of its landscape, ecology, history and culture. He/she is able to operate in numerous professional contexts relating to the knowledge of productions and culinary preparations, and in the promotion, communication and valorisation of food and Mediterranean culture, also using multimedia tools. The Higher technician will be able to manage innovative technological tools, plan and implement actions for the valorisation of the excellencies of the territory as an answer to new consumption models based on experiences, health and biodiversity recovery. Starting from the culture and the traditions of the territory and its products, thanks to the experience and multidisciplinary skills acquired in the fields of communication, marketing and business management, the higher technician will deal with the promotion of the territorial agri-food heritage, which is rich in biodiversity, by also interacting with the world of food and wine and that of hospitality. Special attention will be given to the promotion of a correct relationship between the product, the territory and the market, also facilitating and implementing internalization processes. The higher technician knows the production processes, and their socio-cultural, historical, economic, environmental value, and the links between food and territory. He/she has a strong sensitivity towards process and product innovation, which He/she implements through the promotion and enhancement of environmentally friendly and sustainable production processes, respecting the specialisations and peculiarities of the “Made in Italy”, also combining food and health in actual “experiential paths of well-being”.

New models of application of the Blockchain will be explored and tested: the “Food Chain”, synonymous with transparency and accessibility, capable of re-generating a new value of food and a new concept of “Consume-Actor”.

Participation in the course is free of charge.

EnoFood 4.0 – Expert in the AgriFood sector: food and wine, hospitality and territories – Course for Higher Technician for the control, enhancement and marketing of agricultural, agro-food and agro-industrial productions.

Project training proposal presented in the context of Public Notice no. 32/2019 (Official Journal of the Sicilian region no. 49 of 31/10/2019) “Higher Technical Education training offer in Sicily 2019/2021” co-financed by the European Social Fund as part of the implementation of the O.P. ESF Sicily 2014/2020. While awaiting approval, the training offer may be subject to changes. Information and/or communications are available on the websites: and