Master’s degree in Public, Corporate and Advertising Communication – University of Palermo
Location: Palermo
Department: Culture and society
Teaching language of the course: Italian with some seminars in English
Link to the course:
The 2nd cycle degree course focuses upon the management of communication in public, private and third sector organisations, the activity of advertising agencies, the definition and management of business corporate image at various levels, both in public administration and political institutions. The educational programme is centred on both activities related to public and business communication, and to social, computer and language-related subjects, and on other educational activities aiming at completing the knowledge of communication science through the study of complementary human sciences (Italian Linguistics, Comparative Literature, Political Philosophy).
The course aims at educating professionals who will enter the labour market endowed with high theoretical-methodological competences enabling them to produce good communication products and successful promotional campaigns. These grounded on a solid theoretical basis and well-articulated campaigns are directed towards companies, advertising companies, public bodies and agencies, as well as political institutions. A particular attention is paid to advertising and communication products, and the course provides the tools for ideating and carrying out advertising campaigns, events, and press and public relations services. The teaching of advertising techniques takes into account all aspects, form graphic to linguistic ones. The course also provides the tools for the definition and organisation of the corporate image of public administrations and political institutions.
In terms of internationalization activities, the course has various Erasmus bilateral agreements, with Europan Universities, such as: the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and the University of Sevilla in Spain; the Universities of Postdam and Amburg in Germany, and the University of Wroclaw in Poland, to mention but a few. Moreover, the course established a Double degree agreement with the University of Tunisi El Manar, allowing students to carry out part of their university career at the University of Palermo and the other at the University of Tunis El Manar.