Construction and maintenance of transport means and infrastructure – Master’s Degree – Higher technical Institute, Catania
Location: Catania
Link to the course website:
The two-year higher education course provides highly specialised knowledge and competences which facilitates students’ insertion in the job market in the Sicilian region and in the entire national territory. The higher technical professional will have full control of technological processes and in particular of production engineering, and the management of production and quality also in the maintenance sector. This professional figure will know the ordinary and extraordinary maintenance processes typically used for structures and components of transport means and will possess adequate knowledge of industrial planning and control, labour organisation, integrated logistics and safety at work. He/she will have an in-depth knowledge of the quality regulations of the sector, so as to be able to carry out “quality technician” activities in testing facilities or the “quality assurance” of products. He/she will receive in-depth training on the processes and technologies adopted, on work-planning and timing systems, on design, modelling and computer-assisted calculation, in addition to basic programming of numerical control machines, so as to be able to work as technician of production engineering and in technical services in general.