Graphic art, First and second-level academic diploma – Academy of Fine Arts of Palermo
Study Fine Arts in Sicily
First and second-level academic diploma
Academy of Fine Arts of Palermo
Location: Palermo
Department: Visual Arts
Teaching language of the course: Italian, English
Course delivery online: yes
Link to the course:
Course: Graphic art
The programme for the achievement of the First and second-Level Academic Diploma of the School of Graphic art aims to form advanced artistic skills and qualified professionals who are able to develop their own research and individual production in the field of graphic art and design, produced with traditional techniques, in the elaboration and experimentation of contemporary graphic art, and in the conservation and cataloguing of art prints, taking into account the pluralism of languages and innovations in techniques that characterise the contemporary world.
The two-year specialist course has as its objective the knowledge and in-depth study of the disciplines relating to graphics and art publishing. The different training purposes will converge in the acquisition of skills related to the artist’s book and the object book.