Bachelor’s degree in Aeronautical Engineering – Kore university of Enna
Location: Enna
Department: Engineering and Architecture
Teaching language of the course: Italian
Link to the course website:
The degree course is the only one in Sicily and from south of Naples and combines industrial and physical training with that relating to aeronautical infrastructures, and therefore to the full spectrum of transport engineering. The course is particularly suitable for all those who plan to work, at different levels of coordination and operation, in the world of aeronautics, transport logistics and aerospace engineering.
Thanks to the Italian Civil Aviation Authority’s (ENAC) recognition, the common European aircraft maintenance license is issued as part of the degree course in Aerospace Engineering at the University of Enna. This licence can be issued only by Kore university in Enna, Sapienza university in Rome and the Polytechnic in Turin. The degree in Aerospace Engineering allows, in compliance with the relevant regulations, access to section B of the Register of Engineers.