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Visual realities, first-level academic diploma – Academy of Fine Arts of Syracuse| MADE Program

Location: Syracuse

Teaching language of the course: Italian

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The VISUAL REALITIES course looks at the role that photography and visual representation assume in the current cultural landscape and the possibilities that these have to act as a powerful engine of change.


VISUAL REALITIES is a path structured on the founding principles of the MADE Program, declined in the context of visual narration, at the intersection of graphic design and photography, illustration and video. The course aims to prepare students for new contexts and for the role that the visual arts assume in a constantly changing cultural landscape. On one hand, the teaching and the workshops address the issues of identifying and investigating sources which can constitute a source of direct or indirect inspiration for new visual projects; on the other hand, they examine and experiment the dynamics of a definitively globalized society, with the aim of rediscovering and enhancing methods of designing responsible and contemporary narrative systems.



The aim of the course is to train young people who are able to dialogue with businesses operating in the sector and with institutions, administrations, public and private companies, contributing to the requalification of the businesses they are called to observe, in their own territory and in distant and different geopolitical contexts.